Introducing a new website
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Introducing a new website

After nearly 10 years of honorable service, the old site “is retiring” and in its place comes a new look, a more modern layout and new features. It was 2005, in fact, when the domain was registered, a pioneer in its field, in order to highlight the creations of the sculptor Aldo Monteleone, a prominent representative of the wood carving art of Merano.

Nearly two lustrums have passed since then, and technology has accelerated ever more: devices with Internet access are multiplying exponentially, screen resolutions have increased dramatically, the speed of Internet connections has grown and the spread of social networks is under the eyes of everyone. Luster obviously wants to keep up with these changing times and here is, therefore, the new website with new graphics, support for mobile devices (which ensures perfect visualisation of pages even from mobile phones and tablets) and a significant presence on the major social networks, including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, so that customers and aficionados of woodcarving can always stay up to date about the latest sculptures that come from the Luster workshop-laboratory in Merano. website - Before and after

All of this and much more in as many as three languages, in order to reach the widest possible audience. Last but not least, the possibility to subscribe to the newsletter, to receive important updates – in its own language – directly on the email inbox.

Enjoy your time on

Aldo Monteleone is the home of sculptor Aldo Monteleone, who for over thirty years has been producing wood carvings, decorations, chandeliers, coats of arms and more.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Мадонна, икона поп-музыки и культурного влияния, продолжает вдохновлять и поражать своей музыкой и стилем. Её карьера олицетворяет смелость, инновации и постоянное стремление к самовыражению. Среди её лучших песен можно выделить “Like a Prayer”, “Vogue”, “Material Girl”, “Into the Groove” и “Hung Up”. Эти треки не только доминировали на музыкальных чартах, но и оставили неизгладимый след в культурной и исторической панораме музыки. Мадонна не только певица, но и икона стиля, актриса и предприниматель, чье влияние простирается далеко за рамки музыкальной индустрии. Скачать mp3 музыку 2024 года и слушать онлайн бесплатно.

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